A popular dating agency 1 held an interesting research among men. Almost all representatives of the strong sex questioned noted that they like a natural appearance of Russian women emphasizing their natural beauty. However, it turns out that 90 % of men can’t even imagine how hard it is for Russian and Ukrainian girls to create the desired ‘natural beauty’ given to them by nature, as they think. At the same time, with each year a woman has to work on it even more.
In Russia only that woman can be considered beautiful who combines 3 main factors:
1. Natural beauty and attractiveness
According to the data of Ukrainian statistics which are typical for the whole post-soviet area (Russia, Belarus), 6 of 10 women think that the main factor of a successful career and happy personal life is an effective appearance. In comparison with Europe, only Slavic women are able to make great sacrifices in sake of beauty.
This phenomenon of Russian and Ukrainian women’s beauty is explained by a unique traditional system of life values where a woman’s beauty, and consequently her family happiness are a sign of a successful life.
Since the Soviet times with their conditions of the total material equality (total absence of capital, business and personal realty) beauty of Slavic women still remains the only capital and the most valuable ‘currency.’ It still remains a factor of success. In the USA and Ukraine female school leavers were asked a question: ‘What would you prefer – to be beautiful and silly or ugly and clever?’ The answers of American girls were distributed almost equally. Among the Ukrainian girls only one preferred an intellect. The rest of them considered beauty the most firm capital.
2. A flawless appearance
For women from civilized Europe and America a bright make-up and elegant clothes are attributes for coming out and dating. In Ukraine, as well as in Russia, young girls looking like that push through in metro, go to buy some bread and stay at work in their offices and enterprises. Sociologists consider that the reason for this phenomenon is in Ukrainian society. There are almost 2 women for 1 man and they have to concur in their chase of woman’s happiness. It is widely known that there is a majority of lonely women in Russia and in Ukraine. And every of them strives to look a billion dollars to be always ready for new relationships. Consequently, men became more choosy in their ambition. Women, in order to conform, try to look even more beautiful and attractive, and there appears a constant going round in circles.
3. A rich inner world.
An inner beauty of Russian girls has long ago seized to be a banal cliché. American researches demonstrated that a person’s charm first depends on superficial peculiarities. People turn to us when they intuitively feel our benevolence, openness and decency. A marvelous cover is a temporary effect if not a momentary one. One shouldn’t have superpower to intuitively avoid a cad, a hypocrite or a cynic, no matter what mask he wears. Life justifies an unquestionable fact – sincerity, dependence and being able to sympathize and understand will always be of more importance than external factors of success in career and personal life of any Ukrainian woman.
