On the west men of any age are sure that Russian women are different form all the other women of the planet. Nowhere in the world a woman is a subject of so many stereotypes and obsessions as in Russia. Men reading books dream of Anna Karenina; those watching TV dream of Helena Lenina and admirers of court tennis think of Maria Sharapova and Anna Kurnikova.
We offer you to look at the last 10 years’ winners of the main Russian beauty contest Miss Russia. But first a few words about the contest itself: castings of ‘Miss Russia’ take place in 83 places of Russian Federation and are visited by more than 30 000 girls from the whole country.
A winner of ‘Miss Russia’ gets a prize in an amount of 100 000 dollars from the Bank Russian Standard, the General partner of the Contest. The 1st and the 2nd vice-miss are presented with a possibility to get an education in any higher educational establishment of the world. The final of the show is annually watched by 12 million of people. The winner of the Miss Russia contest possesses an exclusive right of presenting Russia at the prestigious international contests ‘Miss World’ and ‘Miss Universe’.
Miss Russia 2005 – Alexandra Ivanovskaya
The title winner of Miss Russia 2005 became Alexandra Ivanovskaya, 16 years old, Chabarovsk. Alexandra took the main prize of the contest.
The winner of the beauty contest ‘Miss Russia 2006' became a representative of Rostov-on-Don Tatyana Kotova. The 21-year-old beauty got a title, a crown, a check for 100 thousand dollars and a possibility to present Russia at two most prestigious contests at once.
In December 2007 in Moscow in the Gostiny Dvor the final of the national beauty contest ‘Miss Russia 2007’ took place. Ksenia Sukhinova from Tyumen was recognized to be the winner. The winner of the contest in 2009 became a 18-year-old model from St. Peterburg Sofia Rudyeva.
The title of the most beautiful girl of the country in 2010 won a 18-year-old model from Yekaterinburg Irina Antonenko.
In the final of the National Contest ‘Miss Russia 2011’ Natalia Gantimurova from Moscow was recognized to be the winner.
In the final of the National contest of 2012 the winner and holder of the crown became a 19-year-old Elizaveta Golovanova from Smolensk region.
An at last, 'Miss Russia 2013’. The winner of the contest became Eldmira Abdrazakova from Mezhdurechensk.

Many words have been spoken about a big role that women play in man’s life. That’s why the choice of a future wife is probably one of the most responsible ones for him. Just that’s why men’s gazes are directed to the east of Europe…
It is worth admitting that despite total emancipation there remain men for whom a good wife is a nurse for children, a real housewife at home and also the nearest person, reliable and faithful, who can be relied on if needed. It is not always easy to find such a woman at one's homeland, that’s why many people think of a marriage with a foreign wife.