It is no news that men and women have different priorities. So what do women want from men? There are a myriad of answers, because women are different, but with all the variety of characters and preferences, one component of a committed relationship remains unchanged. Women just want to be happy!
For convenience, we have compiled a list of things that Russian women love and appreciate in a man :
Stability. Russian women need reliability, order, confidence in the future. This is what is lacking in Russian men.
Reliability. Any Russian girl wants to see a protector next to her. She needs to know that no matter what, everything will be fine.
Enough to be able to calm your woman, take care of her needs, and from time to time tell her what she needs to hear - that everything will be fine.

Love. You have to love a girl more than anything in the world. Show your love, prove it every day, every hour and every minute. Become her love, solving any problem, ask yourself: “And what will a love make in this case? ".
Gratitude. Russian woman always expects gratitude and compliments. She just does not show it. Therefore, as often as possible say the bride some compliments, let her feel beautiful and desirable, but it is not necessary to do her indispensable. Do not take a fancy to her quickly, do not run for your beloved, because the statements like “I cannot live without you," will frighten off her. Admit it, it's pathetic.
Honesty. A mysterious Russian soul of women able to forgive almost everything, but she will never forgive the lies and deliberate deception. If a woman at least once catches you in a lie, she will never again trust you. For Russians lie is disrespectful. Tell her the truth, even the most unpleasant, and you'll get a second chance.
A good sense of humor. Women do not like nerds. Often smile, make jokes, and do not take life too seriously! Slav women appreciate this attitude is much higher than the full gravity, even when it accompanies beauty or material prosperity.
Purposefulness. It is not necessary to be rich and get a high position in society, but be sure to want it and do your best.
Russian women love self-sufficient men.

Conflicts in relations between American man and Russian woman are inevitable, as inevitable conflicts of two different cultures, behaviors, expectations ... This will cause a lot of difficulties, but the real confidence, maturity of the thoughts and acts, understanding, love, real feelings, mutual sexual attraction can overcome all the problems in their life.
Girls from Eastern Europe are passionate, strong natures, which in their own words and actions often lead men to confusion. They are like puzzle, which can be solved during the whole life Lonely russian girls