So what do you need to do to make a lasting impression on the Russian woman and please her? In general, several things: just to be a man - honest, kind, mandatory reliable as possible - romantic, indulgent and loving: thus a strong arm and a stone wall, behind which a fragile Russian woman wants to escape from life’s miseries.
Mold from her childhood, the Slav girl will always wait for a man with a real male behavior. For example, inviting her to dinner at a restaurant, you have to be prepared for the fact that your lady will not think to open her purse to pay for her part of the dinner: she is with her man who will feed her, so what's to worry about?
Russian wife is also highly appreciate your willingness and ability to participate at housekeeping: as a very excellent housekeeper, she is taking care of your family nest , so she will be very grateful to you for the cleaning dishes or for the driven-in nail into the wall.
Men all over the world appreciate the ability to empathize with your loved one, the intimacy and affection of Russian girls , sacrifice and a willingness to do all they can for the great happiness for the sake of their loved people, distinguish them from the prudent and quite selfish western women , focusing on personal ego, personal interests and career aspirations . However, from their husbands Slav wives will wait the same indifferent attitude towards themselves and their children, always ready to help, and the ability to make sacrifices for the sake of the family.
Most Russian brides are seeking to find happiness abroad, have received a good education, intelligent, open-minded. It makes them perfect interlocutors; you will never be bored with them. Therefore intelligence of the chosen partner for them is not on the last place. You should show her all your advantages.
And the last moment. Russian women love shopping. Regardless of their earnings, they spend a lot on clothes, shoes, handbags, etc. They are all trying to be stylish and it is very important how they look. Many rational and pragmatic western men do not accept such a waste, but that elegance - that's what you are always tempted to Russian women. Therefore, trying to win the heart of Slav beauties, men have to accept this situation.

Europeans are willing to marry Slav woman, among which the first place is occupied by Ukrainian women as they are considered the most beautiful and thrift. Wise Ukrainians allow men to take care of themselves because men are very tired of the emancipated businesswomen. They really want a traditional family where the male takes care of a woman, and a woman responds to him with love and comfort.