Everyone knows that a woman from Russia is a beauty, a clever girl, a tender friend, a passionate lover and a caring wife. They know how to be faithful in personal relations, they can be relied as on responsible partners in all affairs, they are ready to take responsibility for their near and dear and their children.
If you visit European countries often you surely noticed that a Russian woman walking through Vienna or Paris, Frankfurt or Oslo, Milan or Berlin necessarily draws interested stares of men. A Russian type of appearance supported with let it be just a touch and go care for face and body is very much unlike a European woman’s appearance. For men of Europe all Russian girls are queens of beauty. A successful process of struggle for women’s freedoms and rights which European women were mashed on led to a loss of sense of beauty. To look beautiful, to take care of oneself, to wear clothes showing off one’s femininity – this long ago became a concern of the second and third place. The whole attention is aimed at a career development and a personal comfort, and men... What with men, there are enough of them for everyone anyway. In all the fact remains: well-cared-for, European women having a pleasant appearance and charm can be counted on fingers. But a beauty that nature gifted Russian women with is just one of the reasons why Europeans dream of getting a wife from Russia. Now in Europe live more and more women who managed to marry a foreigner and leave for Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Spain and so on. Every European husband has relatives, co-workers, buddies, friends. And all of them see changes happening to a man after marriage, they notice that a cousin-co-worker-friend became surer, started dressing better, there appeared a sparkle in his eyes. Surely, unmarried Europeans from a surrounding of such a lucky start inquiring: what so special is in his Russian wife, why one is able to become a different person? By the way, a similar interest is long ago characteristic of men from the whole world. Nobody can be surprised with a marriage between a German and an Italian, a French and a Spanish, an Austrian and a French. States are open for one another and mixed marriages is a completely usual thing here. But Russia is a reserve of beauty which was for a very long time a Terra Incognita, a strange land for the whole world. A huge flower garden which opened its bounds just not long ago. And the world charmed with this practically untouched flower-bed reacts vehemently on Russian ladies personifying beauty and family values. Also that’s why foreign men are so much interested in Slavic women, search for acquaintances and personal relations, are ready for family creation.
A bride from Russia tries to meet a dependable, successful in life and a faithful man who will want and be able to take responsibility for well-being, wife and children. A man from Europe dreams about the same – a close-knit family, faithfulness, tenderness and care in relations.

Do you believe that outer and inner beauty, attractiveness, loyalty to family values , romance and resoluteness, skillfulness can be combined in one woman? We are ready to prove it. Do you want to know what is that special in Russian girls, why do a lot of men take a great interest in them? so Read more…